This is a general time table for school for Primary and High schools. The school timetable MS word template can be downloaded here. This is free MS word and excel sample timetable editable file download in pdf too. All classes general timetable from class 1 to class 10 for high school and primary school is given.

School timetable template editable excel and word files

This is editable timetable for primary school 2022. Now new templates for schools are coming on various topics. The clean and fresh layout of the timetable template in excel and MS word download here. 

Some teachers and heads of schools may like to get a ready-made timetable and edit it according to their own needs. It is time taking process to make a fresh new time table from the scratch. So, I have provided a template for the help of the teachers.

Sample of primary school timetable in Word

Here are three versions of the time table. You can choose one that suits you best. I have given a primary school timetable, High school time table and a general time table for grade I to grad X. You can choose whichever you like. All the three versions are in MS word.

Here is a button to download editable timetable for primary school:

school timetable ms word template sample download

How to download on PC?

just click on the download button, the link will open in new tab. From the left upper corner click on File—–>Download—–>Microsoft Word (.docx)

How to download on Mobile?

If you are on mobile phone, press and hold the download button and choose “Download Link” option. The file will start downloading.

Now the below files are the same but slightly different. Actually if you want to make a time table for every class separately, then you may find it in my other post on class wise timetable for schools.

High school timetable MS word editable file

The download button given above will give you a Word file containing two pages. On 1st page, there is a timetable for whole school including all classes. That is called general timetable of the school. On the 2nd page, there is a timetable for High section only. This is why you can choose to download the same file for primary and high school.

This is so because primary schools usually don’t follow a timetable as a single teacher teaches all the subjects.

Here are some content that you might like to download:

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